When the winds of change blow,
some people build walls and others build windmills
Knowing others is intelligence. Knowing yourself is true wisdom
Lao Tse
"When one experiences truth, the madness of finding fault with others disappears."
S. N. Goenka
The mind is everything; what you think, you become.
Farewell to America with 10 days of service at Dhamma Pakasa in Illinois
Now I am washed away in the river;
after so much fussing, I am torn away and alonein the current
But I can swim or rather float.
The self I held, I left with my towel on the shore.
But I am still alive
I haven't drowned or died
Pieces of what I imagined I had to grip to
come floating along beside me.
The current of the world is unraveling in, faces and forms
Without my will the universe unrolls
and fills my arms with muscles
My heart with human concerns
The scintillating milky wat of my back
is a winking and shimmering constellation
My body itself is a river
a continent of rivers
A flickering,
shoreless ocean
of currents and channels
unfathamable beginingless
The living ride on life like foam
on the crest of a surge in the cosmic ocean
Dr. Paul Flieshman