Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bob's red mill gluten free hearty bread

The best bread I have ever baked

Just listen
Stop talking
Understand this world
Language is everywhere
Information is being transferred through 
buildings, cars, money, touch, 
books, songs, computers, food, 
eyes, sidewalks, cities, streams, 
space, screaming, oceans, sleep, 
waves, forests, faces, silence
Humans are the vehicles of language
For creation
For annihilation
Feed your ego 
Tame your spirit
Generate pollution
Abandon truth
Nurture candor
Share silence
Listen with attention
Speak with understanding
Letters are a manipulation of lines and circles
Sound is air vibrating muscle and cartilage
Receive the message

Yoga on Baxter and Eastern pky
30 days for 30 dollars
Where I sit

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