"This is perfect weather for robins" my mother said
"It will be in the mid 50's and sunny all week"
We choose each other
everyone in our life
We choose to be together
I choose you
You choose me
This is free will
"you should not have any mystical ideas about meditation, nor should you think it is easy. Meditation must be completely clear, in the modern sense. Patience and inner soul energy are needed, and above all, it depends on an act that no one else can do for you; it requires an inner resolve what you stick to. When you begin to meditate, you are performing the only completely free activity there is in human life."
"When listening to a conversation, become inwardly still, renounce all agreement and, more important, all negative judgments (such as criticism and rejection) also in thought and feeling."
"Whatever may come must be (in some direction) and will turn out in a positive way."
"reverence awakens in the soul a sympathetic power through which we attract qualities in the beings around us, which would otherwise remain concealed."
"No word of esoteric knowledge shall be imparted to anyone not qualified to receive it."
-rudolf steiner
you are the gathered together image
of the world
you are
the spread-out essence of man
-Marcel Solca
I always feel so wonderful after reading your blog. :-)
Your blog at
has the following verse with my name in it. The verse is by
Rudolf Steiner, not by me. Please change.
Man, you are the gathered together image of the world
World, you are the spread-out essence of man
Again, it is a verse of Rudolf Steiner's...
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